The new SEABOB F9 S

Enjoy being crazy.

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SEABOB F9 S Hero Section

The new SEABOB F9 S

Enjoy being crazy.

Studio F. A. Porsche Logo


Leicht und stark.

Weighing just over 20 kg, the SEABOB F9 provides optimum handling. Built for versatile applications. The SEABOB F9 impresses with its phenomenal agility, even in smaller pool facilities.


Das S steht für konsequent sportlich.

Den Fahrspaß beim F9 S kann man nicht beschreiben. Man muss ihn erleben.

Die Farben.

Treffen Sie Ihre Wahl.

Seabob Color Sliders
Carex Yellow
Signum Red
Star White
Meteo Silver
Navel Orange

Design of your choice.

Das Leben ist bunt. Gestalte deinen SEABOB nach deinen individuellen Wünschen. Gib ihm deine besondere farbliche Note. Sonderlackierungen sind auf Anfrage jederzeit möglich.

SEABOB Modellvergleich

F9 vs F9S Vergleich
Designation Technical description
Energy Total capacity 48V; 18 Ah; 0,8 kWh
48V; 27 Ah; 1,2 kWh*
48V; 27 Ah; 1,2 kWh
Operating time With a sporty driving style up to 40 min / 60 min* 50 min
Charging time Standard charging approx. 4 h / 6 h* 6 h
Quick charging approx. 1 h / 1,5 h* 1,5 h
Motor Electrical power 2,6 kW 3,6 kW
Power Thrust performance 60 TP 84 TP
Motor control Electronic speed control Stepless Stepless
Diving depth Safety cut-off by the built-in depth sensor at a water depth of 3,0 m 3,0 m
Electronic control system can be set to maximum water depth of 30 m 30 m
Dimensions L x W x H (in mm) 1.023 x 526 x 343 1.023 x 526 x 343
Weight Approx. 20,9 kg / 22,8 kg* 23,9 kg
Buoyancy in water Approx. 10 kg / 9 kg* 8 kg
Driving Stability System Extractable stern stabilizer left and right and two foils on the lower body
Securing device For Pilot belt system

* Battery capacity plus

Technical modifications and tolerances reserved.